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About Kae

I've always been curious about people, and I'm an introvert, so observing comes naturally to me. I also love the internet (I went online for the first time in science class when I was 14 and was smitten right away!). After that my best friend and I made terrible *N Sync fan sites on Angelfire (complete with guestbooks and glittery banners).

I got a degree in anthropology because I love learning about humans and cultures, and after years of working in unrelated jobs I decided to digitalize my skills, so in 2017 I went to a coding bootcamp for front end development.

I realized that devs don't have to make their products user friendly, they just have to make them usable, and that wasn't quite what I was going for. In 2018 I did an online UX design program, where I learned about the (ideal, but not completely realistic) design process from start to finish.

While looking for a UX role I got lucky and found an accessibility role instead. It turned out digital accessibility was exactly what I was hoping to do - make the internet work better for everyone.

What it's like to work with me

I'm focused on progress over perfection and experience over compliance. I know that accessibility takes time, and that everything we build is an opportunity to add inclusivity.

I'm a lifelong learner, which means I'm open to new ideas and ways of doing things, and I want the solution that will work best for everyone. In the development cycle things will need to happen quickly, and then sometimes they'll get put on hold. My experience allows me to do what I can when I have time, and come back later to fix things that just had to get done.

If you want more info on who I am and what I'm like as a coworker, I have a "What's it like to work with Kae" Google doc that you can check out.

Non-work things about me

I'm curious about people, and I love learning about who they are outside of work, so I added a little bonus section in case you're curious about me!

  • I like to travel and I've been to 25 countries (Scotland is my favorite)

  • I've been listening to my favorite musician (Sleeping At Last) for 20 years

  • I own more than 800 books (most of them are non-fiction)

  • My favorite TV shows that are currently airing are Taskmaster, The Repair Shop, and Home Town, and my favorite shows to watch reruns of are The Office and Parks And Recreation

  • Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives is my favorite background noise 

  • I’m a Myers-Briggs INFP (I care about the work I do and love coming up with win-win ideas), an Enneagram 4w5 (I’m a creative problem solver who’s great at focusing on tasks), and an Adobe Type Thinker (I like combining the details with the big picture for a well-rounded solution)

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